Windows 10Specifications

How to open Device Manager in Windows 10


Device manager may be launched in multiple ways. Here are some of them.

Context menu

Right-click the Start menu button and select Device Manager.

Device Manager in context menu


1. Open System.

2. In the right menu click Device Manager.

Device Manager

Control Panel

1. Open Control Panel.

2. If you're using "Large" or "Small icons" view, click Device Manager.

Device Manager in Control Panel

If the "Category" view click Hardware and Sound.

Hardware and Sound in Control Panel

Under the Devices and Printers section click Device Manager.

Devices and Printers in Control Panel

Run/Command Prompt

1. Open Run or Command Prompt.

2. Type devmgmt.msc and press ENTER.



Device Manager shortcut

1. Right-click on an empty space of a folder on the computer.

2. In the appeared context menu select New > Shortcut.

3. Type devmgmt.msc and click Next.

Location of devmgmt.msc

4. Type Device Manager and click Finish.

Device Manager name

Use this shortcut to run the Device Manager.